Our Australian Haywards

Strategic Partnership with Seeka

The Australian kiwi has a comparatively young but also very successful history: Spoiled by all the abundance of Australian sunshine hours, incredibly juicy and sweet, it offers an incomparably plump taste experience!

Based on the trading relationship with Bunbartha and Seeka Australia Pty Ltd that has grown over the years, Bratzler & Co. is the exclusive importer for the European region. We thus offer our customers a direct axis from cultivation to food retail - without intermediate stops. In addition, we make optimal use of our unique know-how in logistics, storage and ripening. For maximum quality - when your customers want it!

A particularly attractive alternative

It is not only the climate and growing conditions of Australia's robust kiwi cultures that make them attractive. With their independence, our Australian production partners also give us a decisive piece of flexibility in the European summer season: In marketing, our customers are free to use their own labels and develop their own packaging systems - perfectly integrated into the delivery process, as we accompany the path of these kiwis from the beginning to their arrival in your shops.

Homogeneous quality & measurably good results - at New Zealand level

The sensory qualities of the Australian Hayward are also outstanding this season. Sugar-sweet 14-15 Brix upwards guarantee a true taste experience. In blind tastings of the past years, the Australian Hayward has often emerged as the winner, even ahead of the fruit from New Zealand and Chile. This is no wonder, as SEEKA is also the largest producer in New Zealand - a professional who knows his trade and produces top-quality fruit under the rich Australian sun.

Our Calibres

  • 25 (125-135g)
  • 27 (115-125g)
  • 30 (105-115g)
  • 36 (85-95g)

Usually, Australian kiwis are available from late May to around mid-September.

Sustainable and individual

marketing opportunities

The Australian Hayward not only impresses with its top quality, another advantage is that the individual fruit arrives in Europe without a label and can therefore be individually labelled according to customer requirements. Own-brand programmes are thus possible without additional expense.

Bratzler & Co. offers the fruits in all required units. Whether in the original 10kg carton, in a 2kg, 3kg or 5kg laid variant or in the classic flowpack with 4-6 fruits - everything is possible and can be individually implemented. We are particularly proud of a sustainable packaging solution for a 750g or 1kg tray. Here we use a plastic-free FSC-certified and resealable cardboard tray. (picture follows)


Office Poeldijk - NL

Andre Slama: +31 174 700 821
Ben van der Linden: +31 174 700 822 


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Bratzler & Co. GmbH
Am Großmarkt 10
D – 76137 Karlsruhe
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